sexta-feira, 13 de julho de 2007

Notícia de última hora

Notícia da Associated Press. Porque traduzido perde metade da piada:

"How would Jesus advertise a bidet?

NEW YORK - A bidet company's advertising plans in Times Square are too cheeky for the pastor of a nearby church.
Rev. Neil Rhodes, pastor of the interdenominational Times Square Church, is asking a state court to block a billboard company from posting huge ads that feature naked buttocks with smiley faces on them. The display is to go up on two sides of the Broadway building that houses Rhodes' church, its Bible school and day-care center."

quinta-feira, 12 de julho de 2007

Especial com Ovo

Sete Rios volta a bombar!!!

Para mais informações:

quarta-feira, 11 de julho de 2007


E finalmente o elogio a uma peça de loiça de facto importante e imprescindivel na casa de banho de todos nós. Afinal o que seria do mundo sem os bidets?

Conseguem imaginar que triste seria a vida sem bidet para lavarmos os pés nas noites frias de inverno, mesmo antes de atacar os lençóis? Eu cá, se há coisa sem a qual me faz alguma confusão viver é sem o bidet. Dá jeito, poupamos espaço de arrumação, pois não precisamos de sítio para arrumar os incómodos alguidares, além de que está sempre à mão para lavar qualquer coisinha, seja lá o que for... A peça de loiça é sem dúvida jeitosa.

Um bem haja aos bidets

Um amigo para todos

Este amigo que aparece na foto escreveu um texto esclarecedor. O título, simples e eficaz, diz qualquer coisa como : "O bidet: já não é só para mulheres europeias peludas". O que dizer...

Esclarecimento de Dúvidas

Para todos quantos tem reticências relativamente à utilização de bidets e às suas maravilhas, fica aqui um link de utilidade indiscutível. As regras, as dicas e pistas para optimizar um bidet. A não perder:
É visitar, vilanagem...

Os Norte-Americanos não foram feitos para isto...

Vejam os vídeos 2 e 4!

E ainda pensavam que estes utensílios se destinavam à hogiene das prostitutas, após a prestação de serviços... Por amor da santa!

E agora em Português???

Agora que estamos todas e todos muito mais instruídas e instruídos acerca da natureza deste objecto essencial à higiene humana e símbolo do avanço da civilização em termos de condições de salubridade e saúde pública, desafio todas e todos os visitantes a deixar uma mensagem, dizendo de sua justiça o que pensa acerca do Bidet.
Outros temas são, de igual modo, bem vindos!
Bidet, um ícone do asseio!

Afinal o que é o Bidet? Em inglês..

A bidet is a low-mounted plumbing fixture or type of sink intended for washing the external genitalia and the anus.
Bidet is a French word for pony (and in Old French, bider meant to trot). This etymology comes from the fact that one bestrides or rides a bidet much like one does a pony. The bidet appears to have been an invention of French furniture makers in the late 17th or early 18th century, although no exact date or inventor is known. Theories exist that its inventor is Christophe Des Rosiers, furniture maker of the French Royal Family. The earliest written reference to the bidet is in 1710. By 1900, thanks to plumbing improvements, the bidet (and chamber pot) moved from the bedroom to the bathroom. 1960 saw the introduction of the electronic bidet, an attachment which connects on to existing toilet arrangements - ideal for bathrooms lacking the space for a separate bidet and toilet.
Bidets are primarily used to wash and clean the external vulva and the anus, as well as the skin near these areas, including the perineum. They may also be used to clean any other part of the body; they are very convenient for cleaning the feet, for example. Despite appearing similar to a toilet, it would be more accurate to compare it to the washbasin or bathtub. In fact, the bidet is used by some for a baby bath, though there are others who recommend against this. Anyone who has mobility problems and finds it difficult to get into a bathtub, or is afraid of slipping in the shower, may find a bidet an excellent solution for maintaining personal hygiene.
Users who are unfamiliar with bidets often confuse a bidet with a
urinal, toilet, or even a drinking fountain. The user should use the toilet before using the bidet; its purpose is to wash afterwards. It is generally understood that the user should sit on a bidet facing the tap
and nozzle to clean the genitalia, or with their back to the tap and wall to clean the anus.
Bidets are made in several different
designs. They may have one tap which pours (usually warm) water into a china basin. The basin can be plugged and filled if necessary, or the water can be allowed to drain away. Other bidets have a nozzle which propels an arc of water up into the air. This jet of water is angled to easily attain the perianal and genital area.
Bidets are common bathroom fixtures in some European countries (especially Greece, Italy, Spain and Portugal), some Latin American countries (especially Argentina, Uruguay, and Venezuela; there they are found in approximately 90% of households), the Middle East and some parts of Asia (particularly in India). Although France is the country where the word bidet originated, not every house is equipped with one, especially the smaller or cheaper flats.
In 1980 the first "paperless toilet" was launched in Japan, a combination toilet and bidet which also dries the user after washing. Combination toilet-bidets with seat warmers, or "washlets", are particularly popular in Japan, found in approximately 60% of households. They are commonly found in hotels and even some public facilities. These bidet-toilets, along with toilet seat/bidet units (to convert an existing toilet) are sold in many countries including the United States.
Fonte: Wikipedia

Afinal o que é o Bidet? Na língua materna...

Un bidet est un meuble d'eau destiné au lavage, dit intime, des parties génitales externes et de l'anus.
Il est apparu dans le mobilier
français vers la fin du XVIIe siècle, avant que l'invention de la plomberie vers 1900 ne le chasse de la chambre pour le reléguer (avec le pot de chambre) dans la salle de bain.
Le bidet sert principalement à l'hygiène des parties génitales externes et de l'anus. Il peut aussi servir à laver d'autres parties du corps humain, tels que les pieds et les cheveux.
Malgré sa ressemblance avec les
toilettes, il est plus proche d'un bassin ou d'un tub
: il est pratique pour laver un bébé ou pour aider les personnes à mobilité réduite à maintenir une hygiène corporelle.
Les utilisateurs qui ne sont pas habitués aux bidets les confondent souvent avec un
urinoir, des toilettes ou même une fontaine
à eau.
Il vaut mieux utiliser les toilettes avant d'utiliser le bidet, car sa raison d'être est de se laver. Le bidet s'utilise en s'asseyant dessus, dos au robinet ou lui faisant face.
Les plus anciens modèles de bidets étaient des meubles amovibles, constitués généralement d'une cuvette de porcelaine à l'intérieur d'un meuble en bois munis de quatre pieds, et couverts d'un couvercle de bois.
De nos jours, ils sont en
porcelaine ou en émail et sont équipés d'un robinet mélangeur pour les remplir d'eau, et d'un drain pour les vider. Le robinet peut être orienté de manière à projeter un jet d'eau de manière à atteindre directement les parties génitales.
En 1980 au Japon, les premières toilettes sans papier ont été lancées, une combinaison de toilettes et de bidet qui sèche l'utilisateur après l'avoir lavé. Cette combinaison toilettes-bidet équipe 60% des foyers et n'est pas rare dans les hôtels.
Les résidents des pays où l'usage domestique du bidet est rare (
États-Unis et Royaume-Uni par exemple) peuvent n'avoir aucune idée de la manière de s'en servir s'ils en rencontrent à l'étranger. Les Américains auraient rencontré les bidets pour la première fois dans les bordels français pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale et auraient pensé qu'ils servaient aux prostituées pour se laver l'intérieur du vagin après un acte sexuel. Les préjugés sont donc répandus parmi les personnes n'ayant jamais utilisé de bidets, qui peuvent penser qu'il est un objet étrange et même sale : son usage fait partie des tabous liés à l'hygiène corporelle individuelle.
Fonte: Wikipedia